
Thursday, 31 December 2020

Giuseppe Arcimboldo (Summer Learning Journey, Activities)


Red=apple - Orange=Orange Fruit - Yellow=Banana - Green=Broccoli - Blue=Blue Berry - Purple=Eggplant - Pink=Dragon Fruit - White=Cauliflower 


  1. Tēnā koe Harmony, this is Elle from the Summer Learning Journey.

    Ka pai - you have created an awesome piece of digital fruit and vegetable art!

    I really like that you’ve made a little colour index underneath to let us know what food each colour represents! Good thinking - making a fruit and vegetable rainbow was a great way to show the different coloured food groups! Do the pieces of white cauliflower holding up the rainbow represent hands?

    What is your favourite food from your rainbow? Mine would have to be blueberries, because you can eat so many without getting too full!

    Ngā mihi nui and happy New Year!
    - Elle (SLJ)

  2. Hello Elle. thank you very much for the comment you are an Nice person all of SLJ is Awesome!. The white cauliflower doesn't really represent hands but i thought of it as like clouds. My Favourite has to be broccoli its yum to me but i don't know about others.


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